My heart smiles hearing the stories of the day I arrived from South Korea to make you parents for the first time. You made Mom drive home from Logan Airport and pull over every few minutes just so you two could stare at my 7-month old self. I fit in your hands and you both innocently remarked, "Isn't she big?" You were dishing out advice even then, telling me, "The only paper to read is the Wall Street Journal."
Read MoreIt's pronounced "coouwwwffee"
.... You remind me to relax, laugh, have fun, live in the moment, and to never forget my inner child. I know you are proud to never lose your Long Island, New York accent and have taught me that "coffee" is best pronounced as "coouwwwffee"....
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Why are old family photos so fun to look at?
Why are old family photos so fun to look at? Old family photos give us permission to take a timeout from our current lives to remember, reminisce, honor, and learn from the past -- the people and places that have helped forge our journey along the way and made us who are today. You could say old family photos are timeless, but maybe more appropriately they're timefull -- full of emotion and sentimental remembrance, a tribute to that moment in time.
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